Discovering Rikudo: Rules and Tips
Put the numbers from 1 to 36, 60 or 90 to create a path of consecutive numbers. Numbers and links between cells are given to help finish the game. Two following numbers must be next to each other. A link indicates a crossing point of the path. At the end, the entire grid must be full!
Grid size and difficulty : Various grid sizes exist (36, 60 or 90). Larger grids can be more difficult. We offer 4 difficulty level : Easy, Medium, Hard and Evil
Tip #1: You won't trap cells.! At the end the grid must be full. If a cell is encircled while filling the grid, it becomes trapped. Identify these situations and avoid them.
Tip #2: You will anticipate your path. Two paths cannot cross each other. Search for possible crossing paths and choose other available paths.
Tip #3: Think about uniqueness. The grid has a unique solution. Therefore if you can switch two numbers next to each other without disrupting the main path, it means that it is not the solution!